Louie Wu
(original music: Peggy Sue)
music: Buddy Holly
lyrics: Gary Hanak   (Archon 24, 2000) (orig key: G)

Louie Wu, Louie Wu
What have you got yourself into?
Oh, Louie — Lou–, Louie Wu – oo – oo
A sliced up Dyson sphere, you'll live there for a year or two

Louie Wu, Louie Wu
A big orange tabby cat's with you
Oh, Louie — Lou–, Louie Wu – oo – oo
He's a big carnivore, you may be soup d' jour, or stew

Louie Wu, Louie Wu
Who is that young girl hanging' with you?
Oh, Louie — Lou–, Louie Wu – oo – oo
Born with a lot of luck, is she a real good … flunky, Wu?

Louie Wu, Louie Wu
So who's this Prill you've run into?
Oh, Louie — Lou–, Louie Wu – oo – oo
She got zapped with a tasp, that Nessus' such an ass, is true?

Louie Wu, Louie Wu
It's time to leave, so whatcha gonna do?
Oh, Louie — Lou–, Louie Wu – oo – oo
Scoot up this big skrith zit, then fall straight into it, Louie Wu


{raise key signature to A}
Louie Wu, Louie Wu
A Puppeteer has kidnapped you
Oh, Louie — Lou–, Louie Wu – oo – oo
Chmee and the Hindmost snatched you into Ringworld, Chapter 2

Louie Wu, Louie Wu
Fix the Ring or you'll fry, too
Oh, Louie — Lou–, Louie Wu – oo – oo
Ringworld is way off true. This could be it for you, Louie Wu

Louie Wu, Louie Wu
Who is that Pak Man there with you?
Oh, Louie — Lou–, Louie Wu – oo – oo
Teela was quite a lass, but now she kicks Chmee's ass, Louie Wu

Louie Wu, Louie Wu
Ringworld is safe, whatcha gonna do?
Oh, Louie — Lou–, Louie Wu – oo – oo
There's lots more left to see, so start on Chapter 3, Louie Wu